Prepare yourself for the tick season

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A tick bite can cause Lyme disease and TBE (Tick-borne encephalitis).

To prevent a tick bite, it is important to cover the skin as much as possible with clothes, socks and closed shoes and apply tick repellent to uncovered skin. After visiting a high-risk area (forest, dune, garden and heath), it is important to check the body for tick bites. Always remove a tick as soon as possible.

Insect and tick repellent products are available with different active ingredients. For children, a DEET-free product is often the best choice. Care Plus® Anti-Tick is based on lemon-eucalyptus extracts and contains 30% Eucalyptus Citriodora oil for a long-lasting effect against ticks. The product provides up to 6 hours of protection and is safe to use for the whole family, even children as young as 3 months.

Prepare for tick season with Care Plus Anti-Insect Anti-Tick spray.

Prepare yourself for the tick season with the Care Plus Anti-insect Anti-Tick spray.